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Grimandi Art Gallery – We Help Artists Grow. Fast.

Shifra Levyathan

Shifra Levyathan

“I photograph everything around me, be it nature, cityscape, and people.

I am an Urban photographer. I love the city, its people, and its architecture. The high-rise buildings with glass and chrome create wonderful distorted reflections, which l find fascinating. People intrigue me with their colorful personalities and actions. The city has everything for me – architecture, people, and even nature.

When l stroll in the streets with my camera anywhere in the world, l try to capture moments and episodes that will never come back. When l discovered the digital camera and the software, l became addicted to this medium and its vast possibilities. Many times, the photograph for me is like the canvas for a painter: I add or subtract from the photograph and create what I see in my mind’s eye.

My photographs reflect my moods and life around me, private or general.

 Even though it is difficult today to create something new, every artist has something unique only to him. I hope that my art, or at least my eye, is unique only to myself”.

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